Modify brightness, contrast and saturation
Preview | Syntax |
Original image: /docs/frog.png?w=400
Increased brightness: /docs/frog.png?w=400&bright=15
Decreased brightness: /docs/frog.png?w=400&bright=-10
Color saturation correction
To adjust the color saturation, you can use the saturate=X filter and set the desired adjustment value (X= -100..100
). Negative values will decrease color saturation while positive ones will increase it.
Using saturate=-100 will remove all color information and convert the image to grayscale.
Please keep in mind that desaturating an image just discards all color information. If you prefer to create a grayscale image while taking into account human visual system color intensity perception, you should use the gray parameter instead.
Preview | Syntax |
Preview | Syntax |
Original image: /docs/frog.png?w=400
Increased saturation: /docs/frog.png?w=400&saturate=35
Desaturation: /docs/frog.png?w=400&saturate=-100
Grayscale: /docs/frog.png?w=400&gray=1
Preview | Syntax |
Original image: /docs/frog.png?w=400
Increased contrast: /docs/frog.png?w=400&contrast=30
Decreased contrast: /docs/frog.png?w=400&contrast=-10