ICC color profiles typically describe the color input or output device of an image. For digital images distributed online, sRGB is mostly used, while CMYK is the standard for printers. Color profiles are set when exporting images from the camera or the graphics editor. They sometimes add unnecessary weight to your image files and slow down loading times on the web. Scaleflex DMO converts by default the ICC color profile into sRGB on-the-fly, which is the most optimal ICC profile for the web. You can change the default behavior. We can automatically convert your profiles to a sRGB profile in order to have a minimum loss of quality and a much lighter filesize. You might notice a small difference in the colors but usually it's not noticeable.
By default, if the origin image has an embedded ICC profile, the image is converted to the sRGB colour space and the ICC profile is removed from the compressed image. We can automatically convert your profiles to a sRGB profile in order to have a minimum loss of quality and a much lighter file size. You may choose not to use the above feature by enabling the checkbox "Keep origin image ICC profile". You can also specify that the ICC profile will only be converted to sRGB if it is larger than XX KBs.
Dynamic Media Optimization (DMO) settings allows you to optimize and manage images and videos to enhance performance and user experience. You have the option to customize the compression ratio and optimize the images color profiles, as well as setting the default watermark to be applied.
Please note that, After saving these settings, you will need to invalidate your cached images if you want to apply changes to the already published ones.
Scaleflex DMO can place a watermark on top of your images if you want to protect them from copying or tag them with a serial number or custom text.
There are two types of watermarks:
Static watermark: Apply the same image watermark to all the images you decide to watermark (e.g. your company's logo)
Dynamic watermark: Specify the watermark in the Scaleflex DMO URL to apply different watermarks to different images.
To activate the watermark function, you need to include the wat=1 parameter.
Example: //your-token.cloudimg.io/original_image_url/image.jpg?wat=1&wat_gravity=north&wat_text=A%20VERY%20LONG%20TEXT%20WHICH%20WON%27T%20FIT&wat_pad=10&wat_font=Arial-Black&wat_fontsize=20max&wat_color=000
Please note that the watermark cannot be larger than the image - if larger, it is always scaled down first to match the image dimensions.
Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images, to reduce their cost for storage or transmission. Scaleflex DMO compresses your image using compression filters for faster delivery and loading time.
The various Image Compression settings available are:
JPEG - Default Compression factor: This signifies the default compression ratio for all your images. It is recommended to give the value "85" here. "100" value means no compression ie. image will be delivered as it is and "0" value means it will be compressed into zip ie.
Progressive JPEG: Progressive JPEG is used for loading a low quality image to fill the container (due to slow networks) while the actual image loads. You can enable or disable this feature.
PNG - Enable PNG lossy compression: PNG Lossy compression is an algorithm designed to reduce the size of your PNGs while keeping visual quality. You can enable this feature by checking the "Enable PNG lossy compression"
PNG - Default PNG quality: Same as JPEG - Default Compression factor , this field defines the compression ratio for your images. It is recommended to give the value "85" here. "100" value means no compression ie. image will be delivered as it is and "0" value means it will be compressed into zip ie.
SVG - Rasterize SVG: SVG is a vector-based format which is already well compressed. When Rasterize SVG is active, all SVG files are converted to a raster image.
SVG - Enable SVG lossy compression: SVG Lossy compression refers to the technique of reducing the filesize by reducing the number of curve nodes and remove invisible elements to decrease filesize.
WEBP: WEBP is an image format supported by most modern browsers . It achieves better compression than JPEG and is optimized for web delivery. 1. Compress all PNGs to WebP automatically: Checking this feature will compress your PNG images to WEBP format. 2. Compress animated GIFs to animated WebP automatically: Checking this feature will compress your animated GIFs to animated WEBP format. 3. Compress all other image formats to WebP automatically: Checking this feature will compress images with other formats (JPEG, BMP , PDF, Adobe etc) into WEBP format.
AVIF - Enable AVIF compression: AVIF is a web image format with increasing popularity and browser support. Scaleflex DMO can compress your images automatically into AVIF to reduce bandwidth and improve loading times. Checking this feature will compress your AVIF images.
AVIF - Compress by default: This feature will compress your AVIF images by default.
Parameter | Syntax | Description |
use watermark
(required) Activates the watermark function
watermark gravity
wat_gravity=X X=[north|south][east|west]|center| absolute|relative
Defines the position to "anchor" the watermark to
watermark scaling (relative to original watermark size)
wat_scale=X X=0..100
Watermark image scaling defined in in percent of the watermark dimensions
watermark scaling (relative to output image size)
wat_scale=Xp X=0..100p
Watermark image scaling defined in in percent of the output image dimensions
watermark padding
wat_pad=X[p][,Y[p]] X/Y=0..100[p]
Adds padding from the anchoring point in pixels (X) or in percent (Xp)
watermark positon
sets the position in percent from the resized image; works only with wat_gravity=absolute and wat_gravity=relative
watermark opacity
wat_opacity=X X=0..1
Defines watermark opacity