Download assets

Filerobot Media library download

Basic download

You can download assets one by one or from a selection by using the context menu or the selection top bar.

Transformations upon download

Filerobot allows you to apply transformation on the downloaded assets to crop images, reduce dimensions, convert to another format or compress the files into a single archive.

Simple transform: - limit image dimensions; - set compression format and quality.

Advanced transformation: - image cropping - limit image dimensions; - set compression format and quality.

Available settings




Output format


Excellent | Good | Fair

Compression quality

Resize: Width and height


Limit image dimensions (in pixels)

Crop: Width and height


Image crop dimensions (in pixels), available in advanced transformation only

Social media crop presets

If need to create profile images or covers for social media, you can use the Social media presets with pre-defined aspect ratio for cropping. The available options include profile pictures, covers, logos, etc. to use in LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Downloading Original Asset with "&download=1"

To enhance user flexibility, Filerobot supports a convenient download feature through the use of the query string parameter &download=1. When appended to the CDN link, this parameter triggers the download of the original asset associated with the link.

Example of how to use:

Last updated