Multi tenants

DAM Multi Tenants Dashboard



The Multi-Tenants Dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of traffic, image cache data and allowances for individual customers. This dashboard offers a granular view of customer usage per token. [insert screenshot ]





Values: Tokens owned by the same company Default value: All Tokens Purpose: Specify tokens to view stats accordingly.

Date range

Values: Date ranges with format DD/MM/YYYY Default value: Last 30 days

Purpose: specify the time frame of the viewed stats

[insert screenshot ] Graphs

Graph name


Traffic & Image Cache allowances per token

It shows the current plan, storage allowance and Traffic allowance per token

Traffic & Image Cache per token

It shows the Number of Requests, Traffic, Maximum Cache value and Average Cache value per token for the selected time frame

Total Requests / Period

It shows total number of requests for the selected time frame and tokens.

Total Traffic / Period

It shows total CDN traffic for the selected time frame and tokens.

Total Image Cache / Period

It shows total image Cache for the selected time frame and tokens.

Global Traffic per day

It shows the total CDN traffic for a specific set of tokens, aggregated by day. for the selected time frame and tokens.

Global Image Cache per day

It shows the total image cache for a specific set of tokens, aggregated by day. for the selected time frame and tokens.

Last updated