Scaleflex DAM x Directus extension
Last updated
Scaleflex DAM x Directus extension
Last updated
Register for a demo if you don't already have a Scaleflex DAM account.
Need to add a config CONTENT SECURITY POLICY to your .env file
NPM Install:
Click on "Settings" on the left menu and after that click "Extensions" on the sub-menu.
Click "Settings" on the left menu and then click "Settings" on the sub-menu.
Scroll to block Modules and check two items "Scaleflex DAM Settings" and "Scaleflex DAM"
Token: Enter your Scaleflex DAM token here (eg: abcdefgh).
Security Template: To load the Scaleflex DAM Widget, you must create a Security Template in your Scaleflex DAM Hub.
Root directory: The directory in your Scaleflex DAM account, where the files will be stored.
Advanced Configuration
Limit: The maximum number of files that can be added to a single field, default: 0 (unlimited).
Attributes: Attribute from Scaleflex DAM asset that you want to include in Client response.
Limit Type: File types are limited when using Widget.
1/ Create a new field "Scaleflex DAM"
2/ Select your display type
On the list fields, select the new field just created. On the tab "Display", choose "DAM Assets".
3/ Go to your content Model and you will see the new field just created. Click on "Browse Assets" to select the assets in Scaleflex DAM
The result displayed after adding the assets
You can modify the image by clicking on "Show variants" to resize or crop the image.
In the list of items
You can set the limit asset showing in the list of items.
In the Field Settings, click on the tab "Display" and choose DAM Assets. Input the limit items you want to show in the list.
And the last thing, you can configure your variants asset in the tab "Interface". For example:
1/ Create a new field "WYSIWYG with Scaleflex DAM"
2/ Using the editor, click on the button "DAM" to add the asset to your content.
Support image, video, and audio.