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Scaleflex DMO can place a watermark on top of your images if you want to protect them from copying or tag them with a serial number or custom text.
There are two types of watermarks:
Static watermark: Apply the same image watermark to all the images you decide to watermark (e.g. your company's logo)
Dynamic watermark: Specify the watermark in the Scaleflex DMO URL to apply different watermarks to different images.
To activate the watermark function, you need to include the wat=1 parameter.
use watermark
(required) Activates the watermark function
watermark gravity
wat_gravity=X X=[north|south][east|west]|center| absolute|relative
Defines the position to "anchor" the watermark to
watermark scaling (relative to original watermark size)
wat_scale=X X=0..100
Watermark image scaling defined in in percent of the watermark dimensions
watermark scaling (relative to output image size)
wat_scale=Xp X=0..100p
Watermark image scaling defined in in percent of the output image dimensions
watermark padding
wat_pad=X[p][,Y[p]] X/Y=0..100[p]
Adds padding from the anchoring point in pixels (X) or in percent (Xp)
watermark positon
sets the position in percent from the resized image; works only with wat_gravity=absolute and wat_gravity=relative
watermark opacity
wat_opacity=X X=0..1
Defines watermark opacity
Example: //your-token.cloudimg.io/original_image_url/image.jpg?wat=1&wat_gravity=north&wat_text=A%20VERY%20LONG%20TEXT%20WHICH%20WON%27T%20FIT&wat_pad=10&wat_font=Arial-Black&wat_fontsize=20max&wat_color=000
Please note that the watermark cannot be larger than the image - if larger, it is always scaled down first to match the image dimensions.