DAM Video optimization
The video setting can be managed under the Settings / DAM / Storage/Video menu.
This section governs the project's video compression settings. Video compression involves transcoding an original high-resolution video file (HD, UHD, 4K, …) into a smaller resolution for better web delivery (720p, 480p, …).
Video resolutions
Configures the target video resolutions
Target bitrate
defines the target bitrate (only accept integer)
Target folder
Defines where the compressed video will be stored: • Internal hidden folder • Same folder as the original video
This section governs the video conversion from one format to another.
Target format
Configures video conversion target: • WebM • MP4
Video resolution
In addition to convert the video file into WebM or MP4, the video API can also compress (see above) the video into a target resolution
Target folder
Where the converted video will be stored: • Internal hidden folder • Same folder as the original video
Transcoding for adaptive streaming
This section governs the video transcoding for adaptive streaming settings.
Last updated