DAM Shopware module
Last updated
DAM Shopware module
Last updated
Register for a demo if you don't already have a DAM account.
Step 2: Rename the Zip file with the name
Step 3: In Admin go to Extensions / My extensions / Upload extension
Step 1: In Admin go to Extensions / Store / Catalog and search for "Filerobot by Scaleflex":
Step 2: Select the extension and choose Add extension:
Step 3: Go to Extensions / My extensions / Filerobot by Scaleflex - Digital Asset Management, Media Optimisation and Acceleration / choose Configuration:
Step 4: Update the configuration and activate the Module and your site is ready to go:
Admin access key ID: Need to generate in "Setting" to call API in Admin Dashboard;
Admin secret access key: Need to generate in "Setting" to call API in Admin Dashboard;
Folder Id: This key will auto-generate when the plugin is activated;
Activation: Enable/Disable the module;
Token: Please enter your DAM token here;
CNAME: Enter the CNAME as per the configuration in your DAM Asset Hub interface, once validated and the SSL certificate is accepted. (Or leave blank if none);
Security Template Identifier: To load the DAM Widget or DAM Image Editor, you need to create a Security Template in your DAM Asset Hub first in order for your Shopware instantiation of the DAM Widget to obtain proper credentials and access your storage;
DAM upload directory: The directory in your DAM account where the files will be stored.
The step to get "Admin access key ID" and "Admin secret access key":