Adobe Creative Cloud

The DAM Adobe CC embeds the Media Asset Widget (MAW) plugin inside the following supported Adobe applications:

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe InDesign

There are no more copy-pasting media assets from your local drive to DAM; everything happens within your Creative Cloud application.


Step 1. Download the extension files from the link and unzip them.

(use the following in your browser if you can't download from the above URL link)

Step 2. Copy the unzipped folder content into the folder for your Creative Cloud version:

  • If you have Photoshop CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2015.5, CC 2017 or above:

    • Mac OS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/

    • Windows x64: C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/CEP/extensions/

  • If you have Photoshop CC:

    • Mac OS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEPServiceManager4/extensions/

    • Windows x64: C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/CEPServiceManager4/extensions/

You have to create the folder if it does not already exist.

Step 3. Restart Photoshop, and you will find the DAM widget/extension in Window > Extensions > extension_name.


First, you need to log in to your DAM account from the Widget.

Then, you can select the Company and Project you would like to access (for multi-project DAM accounts).

You can browse your container and its folder structure directly from the widget, use the search and sort functions, and create folders.

You can upload images from Photoshop directly to your DAM container. Downloaded images from DAM can be inserted as a new file or layer in an existing Photoshop project.

Last updated