
OAuth2 allows external websites or applications to access resources hosted by Hub on behalf of a user.

OAuth2 authentication is a more secure and complex authentication method that allows users to grant limited access to their resources without exposing their credentials.

  • Only users with admin or owner levels (roles) have access to the OAuth2 page in Settings

OAuth 2 login URL

Read only input field which providing a link to Hub OAuth2 login page and could be used on external website.

Service Name

Input field to add name of the service which will appears on OAuth2 login page.

Communication Type

Section where the communication type can be selected to define how the Hub will interact (sending session data) with an external section. There are two options:

  • Post message - a common way for OAuth2 login when data is sent by window.opener.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data))

  • Redirect - communication type to send session_uuid in URL via redirect (e.g. https://redirect.com/oauth2/success?session_uuid=…)


Section to simplify integration

  • Code block content is different based on selected Communication type (Post message|Redirect)

Last updated