Color overlay
Colorize the image with an overlay
Last updated
Colorize the image with an overlay
Last updated
To create a color overlay by using colorize=X[,Y], where X is the color of the overlay (hex value or color name) and Y is the opacity (Y=0..1
, default 0.5
colorize=X[,Y] | colourise=X[,Y]
Original image: /docs/frog.png?w=400
Color overlay: /docs/frog.png?w=400&colorize=red,0.85
Desaturate and color overlay: /docs/frog.png?w=400&saturate=-100&colorize=7af,0.6
Grayscale and color overlay: /docs/frog.png?w=400&gray=1&colorize=7af,0.6