By managing User Roles and attributes effectively, your team can maintain secure, streamlined access to DAM, ensuring the right people have the right tools to succeed.
Purpose of the User Roles
The User Roles define what a user can and can not do within the company/project. The permissions these levels provide, are about Project Management. For Assets Management, please refer to the Gallery Roles.
Invite new users
You can invite new users to the DAM through the Invite Users modal.
In case multiple users (tens or hundreds) need to be invited in bulk, please contact the Support team and provide a CSV file containing information about the email address, requested user role and the project access (global or only for specific tokens).
You can create users at the company level, granting access to all projects within the company or providing access to one or multiple projects at the project level.
User role
In the DAM, a “user role” determines what a user can see and do within the platform.
The user roles Owner and Administrator are only available for company-wide users as they have access to company-related information such as Billing or Organisation
VXP Owner (company only)
Only 1 user can be the Owner of the company. It has access to all DAM pages & System Settings. Also - to all assets and folders stored in DAM, no matter who created them and what are the visibility permissions.
VXP Administrator (company only)
There could be multiple users with this User Role. They have the same visibility and privileges as the Owner. The only difference is that the Admins can not create other Admins or promote a new Owner.
VXP Accountant
VXP Manager
Company-wide Managers can only manage users with lower roles than Manager in all company's projects.
Project-level Managers can only manage users with lower roles or another Manager in their own project.
VXP Developper
The Developers have access to all DAM pages and the following menus from System settings:
VXP Contributor
The Contributors have no access to any System Settings.
They can see only:
DAM (all pages)
VXP Viewer
The Viewers have no access to any System Settings
In DAM they have restricted permissions for viewing and sharing data:
Custom roles
In addition to the standard roles mentioned above, VXP administrators can create up to 5 custom levels and define which pages and menus will be available for each.
Custom company roles are only available for company-wide users as they can have access to company-related information such as Billing or Company
Custom project levels are available for company-level and project-level users (they don't have access to company-related information)
User invitation flow
Users can only invite lower-level users, except project-level VXP Managers, who can also invite other Managers.
To invite new users:
Click + Invite Users (single or bulk invites supported).
Fill in these details:
Email address.
Profile (User level).
Access scope (entire company or specific projects).
Click “Send” to send the email invitation.
If the invitation is still not accepted, it will be visible with status "Pending". If it remains in this status, you have the following options:
Resend the invite to remind the recipient.
Cancel and re-invite if the email address was incorrect.
Once accepted, the invited user receives status "Active".
Managing existing users
A user can only manage lower-level users, e.g. a VXP Viewer cannot manage a VXP Manager.
The following attributes are available for editing:
User level
Active or inactive status
Access scope
Review user access quarterly to ensure permissions are up-to-date. Deactivate users who no longer need access to prevent security risks.
Manage User Attributes
By default the users have email address and name. For the purpose of your project you can add additional attributes.
You need to go to the People tab and to click on the ...
icon. Then to select "Manage User Attributes"
In the pop-up window that will open, you can check the current list of User Attributes.
New attributes can be added when you click on the + Add field
button. There are two data types which you can select for the new field:
Text - the attribute value will be a simple text. This is applicable for fields that may have unlimited number of unique values (for example "Personal Address")
Select-one - it appears as a drop-down list with predefined values where you can choose only 1 of them. This type is useful for fields where you would like to restrict the users on what values to fill-in (for example "Region", "Job Position", etc)
If you want to Edit or Delete an existing attribute, please click on the ...
icon next to the attribute name.
System attributes cannot be edited or deleted. They are marked with a lock icon - "First Name", "Last Name" and "Email".
Last updated