My favorites

"My Favorites" are typically used to quickly access frequently visited assets. They provide a way to create a personalized flat list of preferred items for easy access.

Users can mark assets as favorites and view / search these assets under the My favorites submenu for quick access. Each asset can be marked as favorite or not and each user can access their list of favorite assets via Menu > My favorites:

Adding assets to My favorites list

The user can add an asset to My favorites list by simply clicking on the heart icon at the bottom right corner of the asset:

An asset whose icon is colored in purple is already added to this list, while an asset whose icon is in grey is not part of My favorites.

Users can add multiple assets in bulk to My favorites list by selecting them and then opening ... -> Add to -> My favorites in the Navigation bar:

In the same way, an asset or a group of assets that are already added to My favorites list can be removed from there.

Last updated