Adobe Commerce (Magento)

DAM Magento Plugin

The DAM Plugin is an extension which adds Asset Management to the Magento Admin (Product Images, Tinymce 4 WYSWYG) and shows it on the Front-end (Product listing page, Product detail page, Minicart, Cart Page, and Checkout Page).

There are 3 simple steps for enabling the plugin on your Magento 2 website:

  • Obtain a DAM token (request it here);

  • Install the DAM module for Magento 2;

  • Add your security configuration parameters to access your DAM library.

Please note that the plugin will make some changes in the Admin section.

Currently, the plugin only supports the Text Component in Page Builder; other components will be supported in future versions.

  • TinyMCE Image (Insert/Edit) default function will be disabled. You can change the image size by scaling (drag and drop function) or delete it and add a new one with the size you like;

  • The plugin will disable the default upload function in Product Edit Page. Instead, every asset will be managed by DAM (single source of truth).

  • The plugin works well with the Magento Luma default theme. If you use a different theme, please check the manual integration below to get the product images.



You can register for a demo if you don't already have a DAM account.

Step 2. Install the DAM module for Magento 2


DAM supports Open Source and Commerce Edition from version 2 onwards.

If you have a question or need assistance, feel free to contact our support.

Install with Composer

To be able to install the module by Composer, you need to get a copy of the module on the Magento Marketplace, or directly from Github. Then, unzip the source code to app/code folder.

Enable and install the following modules in Magento:

php bin/magento module:enable Scaleflex_Filerobot php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step 3. Add your security configuration parameters


Once the steps listed above are completed, you need to enter your DAM token and security template into the DAM module configuration in the Magento admin interface: Stores > Configuration > DAM By Scaleflex > DAM integration.

If your token and security template id is verified, please activate the module by selecting Yes in the DAM Enable dropdown then save again.

After all is done, you will be asked to flush your Magento cache.

You will not be able to activate the plugin until the token and security template id are correct.

Configuration options

  • DAM Token: Your DAM token from the Asset Hub interface;

  • Security Template Identifier: Security template ID, found in the Project > Access > Security templates (tab) menu;

  • DAM upload directory: This is the top storage folder for your assets. The default value is /magento.

Please create the folder in DAM first to prevent an error. If you want to change it, you need to check if the folder exists in your DAM container.



Please click on Icon DAM on TinyMCE:

Then choose which images you want to insert -> transform:

You will be able to select and insert one or more images:

If you want to change the image size, please choose one image at time and click Insert. After that, you will be able to set the desired image dimensions.

If you want to change the dimensions of an already inserted image, you can use Tinymce Image size drag and drop.

Product Images

Go to Product Edit Page in Images and Video Tab, then click Image Manager. Then you can use the file manager like TinyMCE above.

Last updated