Commercetools FaaS App
DAM Commercetools connector app
Last updated
DAM Commercetools connector app
Last updated
Nodejs > v16.10.0
To install the DAM module, please follow the steps below:
2. Upload and unzip to the server at your domain path (Ex: /var/www/public_html/)
3. Configuration Commercetools & DAM plugin (Read 2. Configuration)
4. Go to the source folder and run "npm install", "npm run build" (this command will build and create a folder public)
5. Go to the folder public and run "pm2 serve --spa".
6. Config your domain, port you will run with Nginx and create SSL with Certbot (Read here) For example, config with port 8080:
Get the applicationId and entryPointUriPath of Commercetools (Read here)
Configure the DAM module as follow:
For Commercetools project:
Clone file custom-application-config.example.mjs and rename to custom-application-config.mjs
Input your Commercetools configuration
Set your entryPointUriPath at src/constants.js
For the DAM module:
Clone file filerobot-config.json.example in folder "src" and rename to filerobot-config.json
Input your DAM token, SEC, upload directory, and any other options as fitting.
In left-menu, select Scaleflex DAM > Products
In this page select your product variant need to upload/update image
To add new image, click on "Add Image" in view page Variant Detail
Select an image on the widget and click on "Insert" button to add the image.
Note: You can select multiple images.