General Organisation Settings
This page contains company-wide settings that are applied to all projects.
Last updated
This page contains company-wide settings that are applied to all projects.
Last updated
This page section contains information about the company:
Company name
The company name displayed in the upper left corner of the Asset Hub, unless a project logo has been uploaded under Branding
Default language
When a language is selected, it will be shown by default to all users.
Please note that each user can change it individually through the settings in My Account.
Session Timeout
This is the default session timeout, which logs out the user after a certain amount of time after the last activity was made.
In this section, the company-wide security settings can be specified.
Multi-factor authentication
Enable or disable MFA for the entire company. The MFA code will be sent via their phone or email. Please note that MFA is bypassed if SSO is enabled.
Single sign-on (SSO)
Configure SAMLv2-based SSO to enable users to access the Asset Hub using SSO via an Identity Provider (IdP). You will still need to create the users in Scaleflex DAM before they will be able to login via SSO.
Configure SSO so that users can log in with their corporate credentials (such as Active Directory, Okta, or Azure AD / Entra ID) into Scaleflex DAM.
An Identity Provider supporting SAMLv2 is required.
To configure SAMLv2-based SSO, click on the Add SSO connection button. Any Identity Provider supporting the SAMLv2 protocol is supported.
After saving the SSO connection, every user attempting to log in with an email address from the domain configured in Step 3 will be redirected to the configured Identity Provider and automatically logged into the Asset Hub if an active SAMLv2 session is enabled.
Prompt new users to accept the company's T & Cs on first login
Enable or disable the requirement for users to accept the customizable T&Cs upon first login
T & Cs text
The custom text or HTML to display to users on their first login. Supports multiple languages.
Force all users to accept the new T & Cs
Modifying the content of the Ts & Cs will create a new version. Enabling this setting will force users who have already accepted the previous version to accept the updated version upon their next login.