Folders view
In Filerobot Hub you can organize your assets by folders. This view is available in the left panel of the Library under the name "Folders":
It consists of a navigation panel where the folders and their sub-folders are hierarchically ordered and an expanded view where you can preview the content of the current folder. It is available in a Grid view or a List. The view is controlled by the following icon:
Getting folder details
If you select a single folder and then click on the "Info" icon at the top right part of the page, you will open a panel showing the folder's details:
Creating a new folder
In order to create a new folder you can use the + New Folder
button at the top right part of the page. The new folder will be created as a sub-folder of your current folder's location.
Please note that "/" is treated as a special symbol in the folder name. If you specify "Media/Images", the system will create a folder "Media" and a sub-folder "Images" inside it.
Downloading the folder's content
Downloading assets
If you select a folder and open its context menu, you have the option to download its content. The same action is available from the navigation bar and the download icon at the top right corner of the selected folder. The content is exported as a ZIP archive.
Exporting list of files as CSV
This option is useful in cases when you need to get details about the folder's content.
Please select the folder, open the context menu and choose "More actions -> Export list of files (CSV)". At this step you can choose to export the file details of the entire project, only the files placed directly in the selected folder or the folder+its nested sub-folders.
The information that is exported in the CSV contains:
CDN link
file uuid
creation date
update date
visibility settings
Searching folders
If you know the name of the folder in which you are interested, you can jump directly into it using the small Search folders box:
If you know that some file is located in a specific folder, you can use the main Search box to specify this folder and then apply additional search criteria in order to find the files you are interested in:
Last updated