Filerobot CLI

A versatile command-line interface tool for seamless server-side interaction with the headless DAM API

The Filerobot CLI is a command-line interface tool designed to interact with the Filerobot API. It enables server-side use and provides a convenient way to perform various operations on digital assets, such as uploading, downloading, deleting, moving and renaming files. Additionally, it allows users to list and query asset information, including tags and metadata.

The Filerobot CLI provides all the functionality of Filerobot and its APIs. It can be used from the terminal or in a script to access the features of Filerobot in a convenient way. Using the tool, all media assets can be managed via simple commands on macOS or Linux.

For example, you can perform Admin and Upload API operations by typing commands directly into a terminal. This saves you time as you do not need to set up a development environment. You can also build scripts with multiple CLI commands to implement more complex processes and workflows.

Complete documentation of the tool is available on its GitHub page:

What follows is a brief introduction and a quick-start guide to get you up to speed in no time.

Use cases and features

The Filerobot CLI provides a range of use cases that demonstrate its versatility:

  • Bulk upload - Upload a large number of assets to the DAM in a single command, saving time and effort;

  • Automated workflows - Incorporate the CLI application into server-side scripts or workflows to perform scheduled asset management tasks;

  • Asset manipulation - Rename, move or delete assets based on specific criteria;

  • Metadata management - Query and update asset metadata;

  • Backup and recovery - Download assets from the DAM for backup or recovery purposes;

  • Integration with other systems - Integrate the CLI into third-party tools or systems for seamless asset management.

The features of Filerobot CLI include:

  • Uploading/Downloading multiple assets;

  • Batch asset deletion;

  • Listing assets;

  • Querying asset information such as metadata, tags, etc.;

  • Moving assets between folders;

  • Renaming assets.

The following Filerobot APIs are supported: Delete, Download, Inspect, List, Move, Product, Rename and Upload.

Complete information about the Filerobot API endpoints is available in an always up-to-date documentation, that can be accessed via the following link:

There, you can find details about the API endpoints, together with all required request parameters, so you know how to interact with them.


Filerobot API can be installed by running one of the following commands depending on your operating system. They download the latest release of the tool from the GitHub page, move it to an appropriate directory and make it available for use.


sudo curl -L "" -o /usr/local/bin/filerobot && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/filerobot


sudo curl -L "" -o /usr/local/bin/filerobot && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/filerobot

You can confirm that the installation was successful by running:

filerobot version

The version of the tool should appear on the screen:

Filerobot CLI v. 1.5.0


Configuring the CLI requires a Filerobot Token (mytoken) and API Secret Key (mysupersecretkey) both of which are available from the Filerobot Asset Hub.

filerobot config --token=mytoken --key=mysupersecretkey


The following commands are available:



sets the token and key provided by Scaleflex, required to use the tool


deletes a file by UUID


downloads a file by path or UUID


displays the help info for a command


gets file information by UUID


lists files and directories from your Filerobot store


moves files to a new folder. The folder is created if it doesn't exist


allows access to the Product API functionalities


renames a file by UUID.


uploads a file to a specific folder


prints the version number of Filerobot CLI

Additional info for any command can be accessed using filerobot [command] --help.


Inspect the current token and key:

filerobot config -i

List the contents of a directory:

filerobot list /test

Inspect a specific resource:

filerobot inspect bb1ce06f-2677-581a-85e7-28c00ec50000

Download a file by UUID:

filerobot download bb1ce06f-2677-581a-85e7-28c00ec50000

Upload a file to a specific folder:

filerobot upload face.png --folder=/Marketing

Upload all .jpg images in the current directory:

for i in *.jpg; do filerobot upload $i -f /cli/upload; done

Last updated