Basic image resizing operations
Last updated
Basic image resizing operations
Last updated
Copyright © 2023 Scaleflex
Resizing operations enable the dynamic generation of image transformations to meet various web delivery use cases. Operations focus on the image size while Filters allow to modify the image itself.
Operation | Syntax | Description |
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional operations not listed above
When you specify both width and height, original image proportions can be either ignored or maintained. Also, you may choose to add padding to the image to fill the blank space.
Filerobot supports the following resize function (operation func).
Keeps image proportions cutting the image to fit the defined width and height; see Crop
This resizing function removes parts of the image and is the default behaviour when both width and height are defined. Read further for other resizing functions.
Resizes the image keeping proportions and adding padding to satisfy the desired dimensions; see Fit
Performs either Cropor Fit based on image dimensions and transformation parameters; see Cropfit
This resizing function may remove parts of the image
Fits image in a box of defined size without adding padding; see Bound
Resizes the image to the given width and height ignoring original image proportions, thus distorting the image; see Cover
For troubleshooting purposes, use the ci_info=1 operation to view details about resizing and compression, for example: /docs/hotel.jpg?w=400&ci_info=1
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The boundmin operation is a special case of bound where the smaller dimension is respected instead of the larger one, see
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sets the image width to X pixels
sets the image height to X pixels
prevents resizing if the target size is larger than the origin image
sets crop resize function
defines the part of the image to be retained when cropping X = [north | south][east | west] | auto | X,Y
sets coordinates of the top left corner of the cropping rectangle
sets coordinates of the bottom right corner of the cropping rectangle
crops the image automatically focusing on the most prominent face
sets fit resize function
sets crop or fit resize function depending on the origin and the desired dimensions
sets bound resize function
bounds the image to the larger dimension
sets cover resize function (distorts image proportions)
mirrors the image horizontally and/or vertically
rotates the image to X degrees (counterclockwise)
trims any solid-color border (if present); X is the aggressiveness of the operation
applies rounded corners and optionally fills the empty background with a color
650x500 origin image, cropped: /docs/classroom.jpg?func=cropfit&w=500&h=350&bg_colour=auto
Same parameters, 400x250 origin image: /docs/ny_doc.jpg?func=cropfit&w=500&h=350&bg_colour=auto