Managing a Portal

Adding Languages

To add a new language option to your portal, navigate to the very top right corner of your screen. There, you will see a button with the name of your primary language (in our case, “english”). Click on it, and a dropdown menu will open. Here, you will see the languages you currently use. You also have a search bar to browse through them easily and the button “+add new language”. Click on it.

When you do, a modal will open, where you can select your new language. Once you have, click on “add.”

This will add a new language option to your portal. What does this mean? Each language option is an identical copy of your portal. Translations aren’t done automatically within the portal, but you must manually input them. This manual change will only be saved in the language version of your chosen portal. This means you can manually translate English text to German in the “German” version, and these changes will be exclusively recorded and saved here. You can add as many languages as you’d like in this way!

Linking to the Asset Hub

You will often see a snake-like icon over certain containers and sections. This icon allows you to redirect to the hub. For example, let’s say we want to redirect one of our CTAs to the hub. Hover over the CTA button; three icons will appear on top. The pencil allows you to edit the button, the chain to link to pages or sections, and the snake-like coil to link back to the hub. Click on it.

Once you do, a modal will open. Through it, you can set up a redirection to one of your hub’s gallery pages. Firstly, you can select one of your galleries through a dropdown menu. Next, you can determine whether the redirection should be to “anywhere” within that gallery, a collection, product, folder, or specific label. If you were to choose any one of the options apart from “everywhere”, an additional question will appear: “Which collection/product/folder/label?”. Select accordingly.

Finally, select if and how you wish your metadata filters to be included. You can choose for them to not be included in the display, include them as page filters, or in a “custom” manner of your own choosing. Having established these parameters, you may click “save”. The modal will close, and your hub redirection is ready!

Device Preview

You can preview your portal on multiple devices. To do so, navigate to the top right corner of your display, next to the language options. You will see a button with the word “desktop” in it. Click on it, and a dropdown menu will open. On it, you’ll have multiple device options. Click on them in order to preview your content in that format.

This allows you to verify that your portal is multi-device friendly, which is important for the users, as well as for appropriate ranking with search engine optimization.

Last updated