This section manages all users with Filerobot Asset Hub access
Invite new users
The Invite users modal is used to invite users where single or bulk invitation emails can be sent. Users can be created at the company level for access to all corporate projects or at the project level for access to a single or multiple projects.
User level
The Asset Hub supports various user access levels, a.k.a. user level.
User level | Available menu |
Owner (company only) | All Hub pages & System Settings |
Administrator (company only) | All Hub pages & System Settings Limitation on Users: Administrators can only manage users with lower levels than Administrator |
Accountant | Only Billing |
Manager | |
Developper | All Hub pages System settings:
Contributor | No System Settings Hub:
Viewer | No System Settings Hub:
The user level determines which Asset Hub menu items are visible to a user. The user level does not govern the folders and assets a user can view or the permissions assigned to them. These accesses are controlled via the gallery role assigned via the Manage access modal.
Custom levels
In addition to the standard levels mentioned above, administrators have the possibility to create up to 5 custom levels and define for each which pages and menu will be available
Custom project levels are available for company-wide and project users (they don't have access to company-related informations)
User invitation flow
Users can only invite lower-level users, with the exception of project-level Managers, who can also invite Manager.
Email address
User level (see above)
Access scope:
Entire company
Project(s): select projects user should have access to
Once validated, an email invitation is sent to the user's email address.
Managing existing users
A user can only manage lower-level users, e.g. a Viewer cannot manage a Manager.
The following attributes are available for editing:
User level
Active or inactive status
Access scope
It is also possible to create custom user attributes fields on top of the existing system fields (email, name..)
Last updated