The Design section of a Portal allows you to choose the layout, themes, and primary colors of your Portal.
With Page Layout, your menu can be located at the top of your Portal or as a sidebar.
[insert screenshot or gif here]
Choose between Light or Dark Themes for your Portal.
[insert screenshot or gif here]
Apply Branding colors by selecting a Primary, Secondary, and Accent color for your Portal. This section also allows you to adjust the strength of the color by changing its level.
[insert screenshot or gif here]
Sections are different parts you can use to display your assets and information. Portals offer different sections with variants to allow creativity and depth to your pages.
After creating a custom page, you must add sections to get started.
The following types of sections can be found in Portals:
Call to Action
Color Palette
Icons & Logos
Info Panel
Release Notes
Once you select a Section, you can change the variants by clicking on the top left-hand corner of the Section and inverting its colors.
[insert screenshot here]
In addition, on the top left-hand corner, you can add a background image or color, adjust the section settings, and manage the section (clone, delete, favorite, etc.) [insert screenshot here]
You can choose a preferred font from our selection or apply your brand’s custom font for additional brand identity in your Portal.
You can select different fonts for Headings and Paragraphs. If the font you are looking for isn’t within the menu, you can add a custom font by adding the .woff or txt formats to your DAM.
[insert screenshot or gif here]
Lastly, you can also customize the different sizes of your fonts.
[insert screenshot or gif here]
Structure and customize your Portal to share assets and information with your external sources as you like.
Create and customize your pages by adding sections and applying your brand identity. You can share specific assets from the DAM according to their folder placement, metadata, labels, and more.
Pages: Customize your system pages and add pages if needed.
Sections: Add different sections depending on how you would like to showcase your assets and information
Design: Select the primary colors and choose the main layout for your Portal.
Fonts: Select the font and sizes you want to see in your Portal. You can even add a custom font if needed.
In Portals, you can customize and create Pages to display all your assets and information you would like to share.
A Portal comes with a set of already created System Pages; you can create new pages if needed.
Each Portal comes with a set of System Pages. These pages can be customized by adding your brand colors, fonts, images, and links.
Add new pages to your Portal to share additional information and assets.
With Custom Pages, you can select between creating a Web Page or a Gallery Page, then name and title the page.
[insert screenshot or gif here]
Home Page
This comes as a blank page (unless it’s a Template) that is the base of your Portal.
Login as Guest
This will be the main login page when a Portal is public but password-protected.
Login as Hub/Portal Account User
This will be the main login page when a Portal requires users to register or be invited.
Forgot Password
This page is used for Portals that are password protected and allows users to reset their forgotten passwords.
This page is if you require users to register before accessing the Portal. The form is customizable, allowing you to add and adjust the fields you need users to fill out.
Request has been Sent
This page is available and can be used if users are required to register for your portal.
Thank You Page
This is an email validation page displayed when users must finalize their registration with the portal.