
Filerobot Wordpress plugin

The Filerobot WordPress Plugin allows integration of Filerobot with your WordPress website.

The plugin allows you to interact with your WordPress database and upload or access media assets from within the Filerobot DAM.

You only need to have a Filerobot account and install the plugin in your WordPress site.

If you are new to Filerobot, here is a short introduction: https://vimeo.com/616931056

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/filerobot-digital-asset-management-and-acceleration/




Register for a demo if you don't already have a Filerobot account.

Step 1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel

Step 2. On the Admin sidebar, navigate to Plugins > Add New.

Step 4 - Enter "Filerobot" in the search field and then install the plugin

Step 5 - Activate (it will not modify yet your current configuration or image source & delivery)

Step 6 - Navigate to the Filerobot admin page

Step 7. Fill-in the plugin's settings page with authentication parameters

CNAME: You can set a custom domain. When some clients' images on Filerobot redisplay and they don’t want the Filerobot’s domain to appear in the images' URLs, then it's possible to set it there.

Filerobot token: The token (project id) that you signed up for, from Filerobot.

Security Template Identifier: It’s like a way obtain limited-time passwords. See: Security templates. Behind the scenes, the code would use the Security Template Identifier to obtain a SASS (the “limited-time password”). The SASS would then be used in the auth header for interacting with the Filerobot API (https://developers.scaleflex.com/)

Filerobot upload directory: Which "root" folder you want to upload to on the Filerobot platform.

Don’t store media assets on WP server” checked means not to store the size-variants of an image on the “local” WP CMS. The original image is however still stored on the WP CMS.

Use Filerobot Media Asset Widget as gallery” checked means only use FMAW as the Media Gallery/Uploader. The default WP Media Gallery will therefore be hidden.

Synchronize Filerobot metadata” checked means this option will import the metadata available in Filerobot (tags, etc.) in your image description and alt text to facilitate search. Warning: This option is mandatory for advanced editors (like Elementor, Gutemberg, etc.).

Sync Post ID” checked means this option will sync all post ID are using the asset to a specific metadata field.

Sync metadata fields” checked means this option will import the specific metadata fields in Filerobot with the selected metadata fields chosen in the setting. Warning: This setting needs a specific set of metadata in Filerobot to be activated, otherwise will break the synchronization. And “Name of the metadata list in WP database” is required if this option checked.

The “Test connection” button tests if your Filerobot token and Security Template Identifier can connect to your Filerobot asset library.

The “Synchronization status” button tells you how many files still needs to be synchronized from WP CMS to Filerobot platform (the “up”) and how how many files still needs to be synchronized from Filerobot platform to WP CMS (the “down”).

The “Trigger synchronization” button starts the actual synchronization.

What this plugin brings

For example, before Filerobot is installed and activated, you have these 2 images on your WP CMS and these 2 images on your Filerobot platform:

At this point, the images' URLs still have WP CMS URLs

After you install, activate and configure Filerobot, you can first check the connection to Filerobot. This will confirm if you entered the correct credentials.

Then you can check the status of what is yet to be synchronized:

Then you can do the actual synchronization:

The progress bars will give you information about the current synchronization process

The logs tab will show you more information about the synchronized media assets.

Now you can see that all the images' URLs had became Filerobot URLs

and on Filerobot platform

The next major feature that Filerobot brings is: the Filerobot Media Asset Widget (FMAW) in Media Library

Here you can upload your media assets to the Filerobot platform (instead of WP’s local library)

The next major feature that Filerobot brings is that: anywhere where the Media Manager opens, a FMAW tab will be inserted into it.

The next feature that Filerobot brings is it’s image editor, instead of WP’s image editor

Filerobot also has a cron


When you deactivate Filerobot, all the media assets that has been synchronized to Filerobot will be removed.

Developer's den

Key points to know about this Filerobot plugin

  • From Jan 2022: We enabled the Media files' metadata sync:

    • FR meta -> WP meta,

    • FR tags -> WP alt,

    • FR comments -> WP contents

  • From Jan 2022: Filerobot plugin only works with these settings:

  • June 2022: All English. No more Multilingual, language strings, etc …


The Filerobot Wordpress plugin works well with other popular plugins:

  • Classic Editor

  • Gutenberg Editor

  • WooCommerce

  • Elementor

  • ACF

  • ... but let us know if you have any compatibility issue with third parties plugins; as WordPress is a very open system, it is always possible that some plugin overwrite part of the configuration.

Last updated